- I don't make New Year's resolutions. It wouldn't do any good because...
- I'm terribly unorganized. I have good intentions but...
- I keep stacks of work in strategic locations around my desk and around my house. This is why...
- I work from a laptop not a desktop. To maintain structure...
- I pray Psalm 90:12, "Teach [me] to number [my] days aright, that [I] may gain a heart of wisdom." It helps that...
- I'm a slow writer. That seems to contradict how...
- I sometimes rush through a piece and end too abruptly. I think it's because...
- I worry I'll forget my point if I don't hurry up and write it down. Let me explain that...
- I usually write late at night when the kids are asleep and the house is quiet. But I believe Psalm 37:5-6, which tells me...
- If I commit my way to the Lord and trust in Him, He will do this: He will make my righteousness shine like the dawn. And that enlightens me so...
- I enjoy researching terms in my concordances. It's fodder for good dreams that make me say...
- "It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep" ("Fireflies" by Owl City). Sometimes when I awaken from sleep...
- I record my dreams in a journal. Recently...
- I dreamed about giant stalks of celery growing up from a shallow river, all guarded by crocodiles that jumped and played like dogs. Perhaps it's preparation as...
- I hope "...that our God may count [me] worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of [mine] and every act prompted by [my] faith" (2 Thessalonians 1:11). Because...
- I believe my writing and editing passions are gifts given by the Lord. And...
- I desire to bring glory to His name with the work that I do. So...
- I don't make lists of things I'm incapable of achieving. Because...
- I know I am not the keeper of my schedule. After all...
- "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ" (Galatians 1:10).
Acts 6:1-15
Today’s Scripture: Acts 6:1-15 Mary is reading Acts 6:1-15 in the WEB.
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3 hours ago
Great thoughts & Scriptures!! I did make some resolutions (not goals!), but only a few that I felt the Lord prompting me to make, and I listed specific action points by each one. I hope that enables me to grow and reach for new things.
~ Bethany L.
Jodi, I keep a dream journal too. It actually helps sharpen my story telling skills!
Love the list approach with the continued dialogue; it's fresh! :)
Thanks, Dawn! Dreams can definitely help with the creativity.
Well, Bethany, you are an organized person, so lists work for you ;) I don't mean to shun resolutions for everyone. They just don't work out for me.
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